A new campaign is encouraging people to rally round town centre traders and businesses.
Scotland Loves Local - a new initiative from Scotland's Towns Partnership - is being backed by the Council and its partners, who have been working with shops, service providers and organisations throughout the pandemic.
The aim of the campaign, supported by the Scottish Government, is to highlight the fact that it's the people behind the businesses which make town centres special - not simply buildings.
It also encourages people to show their support safely, following the latest social distancing and hygiene guidance.
A collaborative group including the Council, Business Gateway East Dunbartonshire, Dunbartonshire Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and community organisations has been working together to develop and deliver practical proposals to support town centre and business recovery.
Campsie Community Council secured funding to purchase PPE, etc. to enable local businesses trade in a Covid Compliant manner. Money was also secured to set up this website.
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